

when buying or selling an adelaide property or business, there are many things that may need to be considered.


Have you contacted your Mortgage Broker or Bank? The earlier you arrange this the easier the whole transaction will be as they will ensure that your finance is ready on time for settlement

Shane Swinton

Andrew Skinner

real estate agent

If you are a vendor looking to sell then you will need a friendly and competent real estate agent.

Craig Smith

Marie-ann Carey

local amenities in sa

Have you looked at where the local schools, council office, bus or trains and shops are in relation to the property you are purchasing. These are items that are worthwhile checking out before you sign a contract

estate planning

Do you have a will and a power of attorney? If not then it is wise to arrange this as soon as possible. A solicitor is the best person to arrange this and a financial planner can assist with your superannuation and other estate planning needs.


Arthur Koufalis

Financial Planners

Emma Pardede  (08) 8471-6200


You will need to consider whether you want to purchase as a sole person, joint tenants, tenants in common or maybe a trust or self managed superannuation fund. For more information please call us to discuss your options

building and pest inspections

  • Is there asbestos anywhere on the property? eg sheds and fences
  • Does the property and any significant defects? eg cracking or salt damp
  • Is the property in a bushfire prone area?
  • Are smoke alarms installed in the house?
  • Does the property have any termite or other pest infestations?
  • Are there any illegal or unapproved additions such as extensions or alterations?
  • How energy efficient is the home? Ie appliances and lighting

Alexis Buhagiar

Omar Raslan

Adam Baines

property manager

You will need to find someone to look after the property management if you are purchasing as an investment property

carpet and house cleaning

Are the carpets and floors dirty? Does the house need a good professional clean? Get someone to clean them for you before you move in or out of the property

Glynn Greenwood


Does your property need new locks or a security system? Then you will need a locksmith to assist.

Rob Clark

John Paget

swimming pool compliance

Does the property have a swimming pool. Is it compliant? In SA if you are vendor legally you cannot sell a property with an uncompliant swimming pool and the purchaser may insist on a compliance certificate before settlement. If you are purchasing make sure that the swimming pool is compliant as once you settle then the risk and liability become yours.


Did you know when you sign a contract to purchase a property that you need to take out insurance immediately? When buying a house it is your responsibility to arrange for insurance on the property from the date of cooling off and you will be required to note who your financial institution is on the Certificate of Currency if you are obtaining finance.

Kelly Keast

utilities - transfer, cancel or setup

Ensure you notify the correct companies for cancellation or setting up your utilities such as Electricity, Gas and Telephone, Broadband. Some helpful numbers are:

My Connect:

Direct Connect:

Telephone: Telstra – 132200 Optus – 133345 Foxtel – 131999

Gas/Electricity: Origin – 132461 AGL – 131245 True Energy – 133466

redirection of mail

Have you let everyone know you are moving and have you advised them of your new address. Contacting Australia Post and doing a redirection of mail will assist as at least your mail will be delivered to the correct address until you have managed to let everyone know.


Have you booked a removalist for the day of settlement and do you have enough boxes to pack your belongings into? Contact a local removalist who guide you as to the best way to deal with packing and moving into your new home.

Check out the website below for more information

Moving Services