Verification of Identity (VOI) VOI & VOA – What do these phrases mean? VOI requirements are set by the Registrar-General, Version 8 being the most… Read more
Verification of Identity (VOI) VOI & VOA – What do these phrases mean? VOI requirements are set by the Registrar-General, Version 8 being the most… Read more
If you are buying a townhouse or an apartment in South Australia then you will need to consider a few things that are different to… Read more
As a First Home Buyer it can be confusing as to which grants you may or may not be entitled to and how and when… Read more
To assist you in buying commercial property in South Australia, we have set out below some matters to be considered by both vendors and purchasers…. Read more
In December 2022 flood waters poured into South Australia from the eastern states. After months of waiting and preparation the Riverland population area saw their… Read more
WHAT IS A COMMERCIAL LEASE? A commercial lease is a lease of commercial property and includes office space, industrial workshops and warehouses, retail shops (whether… Read more
BUYING OR SELLING A BUSINESS IN SA Buying or selling a business in SA is a very different process to buying and purchasing property. Your… Read more
WHAT IS AN EASEMENT? An Easement is a right to use a part of land belonging to someone else, for a specific purpose. Easements are usually but… Read more
The term caveat derives from the Latin term ‘beware’, essentially it is a warning or caution. A caveat can be placed on a Certificate of Title to protect a person’s… Read more
HOW DO I SUBDIVIDe MY LAND? This is a common question that we get from owners or purchasers of large blocks of land. Subdivision is… Read more
Water Licences Water licences are issued in accordance with the Natural Resources Management Act 2004 and they provide an entitlement to the holder to source… Read more
If you are selling property then there are many things to do both before and after the sale. Here are a few tips that should… Read more